Judicial Review
Scope of—Matter relating to termination of judicial service—
Judicial Service
Termination of judicial officer—Challenged—Charge relating to acceptance of bribe—Scope of judicial review in matter relating to termination of judicial service is very limited—Parameters required for conducting disciplinary enquiry cannot be compared with the parameters required in criminal trial—Purpose of disciplinary proceedings is to enquire into an allegation of misconduct against delinquent employee and such charge is to be proved on the basis of principles of preponderance of probability and not on strict rules of evidence—Impugned order cannot be termed as perverse but is based on principles of preponderance of probability—Considering the position in which the petitioner was employed, the punishment has to be proportionate to maintain dignity and respect of the judiciary and instill confidence and faith of the litigants in the justice delivery system—Petition dismissed.
[Para 26]
Decision : Petition dismissed