Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996
Section 34—Dismissal of application as time barred—Appeal—Allowing indefinite delays in challenging awards would undermine the efficiency and credibility of arbitration, eroding trust in the process and detracting from its efficacy as a viable alternative to traditional litigation—Appellants have had a lackadaisical and nonchalant approach to the entire affair and even after giving the benefit of Section 14 of the Limitation Act, Section 34 application would have remained time barred—Delay in challenging arbitral awards can prejudice the rights for the parties involved, particularly the party seeking to enforce the award—When disputes are resolved expeditiously, parties can obtain closure and move forward with their lives, rather than being mired in prolonged legal battles—No reason found to interfere with the order passed by the Additional District Judge under Section 34 of the Act dismissing the application as time barred—Appeal dismissed.
[Paras 8, 12 to 14]
Decision : Appeal dismissed