Constitution of India, 1950
Article 215 r/w Section 15 of the Contempt of Courts Act—Contempt petition—Scandalizing authority of the court and interfering with administration of justice—Respondent allegedly posted a video on his social media handle condemning orders passed by the High Court and made allegations against the Judges of the High Court—Contemnor has pleaded that his intention was neither to defame the High Court nor the Judges of the Court nor to scandalize them to lower the majesty of the court and has tendered unconditional apology—Video recording of offending social medial was played before the Court—Video posted by respondent in social media shows that the respondent has made contemptuous allegations against the Judges of the High Court and has thereby lowered the dignity of the justice delivery system—Respondent held guilty under the Contempt of Courts Act.
[Paras 6 to 10]