Technical examination of DVD and CDs afresh by some other recognized laboratory—Rejection of application by the Family Court simply on ground that matrimonial matters are being directed by the High Court to be decided expeditiously—Challenged—Expeditious disposal does not mean that important aspects as to evidence may be shelved—Principle is well laid “justice hurried is justice buried”—Claim set up by petitioner that his wife is involved in some sex racket and doing pornography which is the reason why there are both now living separately and petitioner has apprehension that his two minor daughters may also be forced to be part of the sex racket—Looking to the allegations made in the affidavit filed in support of the petition and serious complaints made by petitioner against his own wife, the details of websites upon which the pornography shots were uploaded, the court find it necessary to direct for technical examination of DVD and CDs afresh by some other recognized laboratory—Impugned order set aside and the Family Court directed to get the CDs/DVDs both audio and video be examined afresh by the FSL.
[Paras 4 to 10]