Road Safety
Use of electronic devices—Implementation of Motor Vehicles Act and the Rules—Main issue highlighted is the present petition is accidental deaths due to non-use of protective headgear by two wheeler drivers—Respondents are directed to file a detailed reply giving the details with regard to implementation of the provisions of Rule 167A of the Central Motor Vehicles (Seventeenth Amendment) Rules of 2021 in the State of Andhra Pradesh—Department of Police dealing with traffic should also reflect as to the number of people who have been challaned on account of non-user of protective headgear, the number of physical checks conducted by the traffic police authorities and the amount of fine collected based thereupon—Legal Services Authority as also the police authorities are directed to start campaigns with regard to highlighting the evil effects on account of non-user of the protective headgear—Legal Services Authority is also directed to take steps in conjunction with the state authorities to start campaigns informing the people with regard to the such issues—Other issue highlighted by the petitioner is with regard to wearing of body cameras, which are to be worn by the law enforcement officers.
[Paras 4 to10]